Thursday, May 3, 2012


Hey Douglet,

Do you remember that time we went and saw Luna at the Crocodile? Yep, that was the same night I made you finish all the free drinks the bartenders kept giving me and then I threw ice cubes down the back of some guy and you thought he was going to beat you up.  Yeah, the same night you and Steve drank out a strange dude's flask and the same night the bus driver should have never allowed us to board. Yeah, remember when we finally made it home I dragged you away from the bush where you were planning on vomiting and then I recorded our outbound message of your really loud you remember that night? Well, I just heard Luna on the radio and thought of you, sweetheart.

xo me

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Helado or HELLado?

I have never, ever, not in all my days heard someone make so much noise eating ice cream - ICE CREAM! I just do not get it.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lean Mean

Hey Douglet,

George Foreman called. He would like to discuss your treatment of our George Foreman Lean, Mean Grilling Machine. The number is on the kitchen table.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


OK, the title of this blog promises a DAILY dose of Doug...well, I am trying. The illness, the mini Spring Break and the really bad attitude Douglet has about my harmless, all in good fun, little ol' blog is making it difficult. He seems to be on his guard and is not giving me much to go on. I have to change my methods and become more Cato-like.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The sweet suite

I love staying at hotels. I really do. And when I am in a hotel I really like to soak it all up AND get some sleep. Sometimes the walls are thin, the city noise is loud or I fail to check the alarm and some asshole did not turn it off and I am wide awake at 5AM listening to new country. Well today the alarm went off at 6am and that asshole was you.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Low hanging fruit

Ahhhhh, vacation....Spring Freakin' Break!
It is a time to relax, leave worries and annoying things behind...such as the salami chucks and cheese I found on the cutting board this morning and your pile of hot tub towels hanging in the living room. Vacations are awesome especially when the Douglet provides so much the time we rented a yurt in Northern California and as we peeled outta there to escape the crazed woman attached to her electric breast pump (that is a long story) and there was a strange noise on the roof of the car and then a brown flood on the window followed by loud clank and then a line search along the I-5 for the blessed, stainless steel coffee mug. Stand by for hilarity...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The plague

Plague is finally gone. I am back on it....I have so much to share.

Friday, March 30, 2012


bi·og·ra·phy/bīˈägrəfē/  Noun: An account of someone's life written by someone else. My working title for yours is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Loud.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Policy I allowed to post pictures of the Douglet on the floor during our very first home renovation project? He fell off the ladder (don't worry - it was a small ladder) and was writhing in pain on the floor. Is that a No-No?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Chicken Sauna

Thank you Douglet for being a huge help this week when the plague struck. I know you were just trying to help when you chucked the chicken carcass in the pot, filled it with water and cracked it up full torque and then went back to bed. I really enjoyed the moist, chicken sauna you created in the kitchen. 

xo j

p.s. The soup was really good.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

$300 truck

Yes, $300 gets you a badass truck
Oh there you go - pulling out of the driveway in our $300 pickup truck with both kids and the dog. You know the passenger side door does not close without brute force. So.... why, I ask you, do I see it flapping in the wind and oh look, there is the spindly arm of my 6-year-old trying to close the door while the truck is moving? WHY? This would be a perfect use for the pile of bungee cords/string/rubber bands that are now available for use - I think you know where to find them.

Monday, March 26, 2012

POS DIY Ski Rack

I am sorry I did not like the POS DIY "ski rack" that you installed in the garage yesterday. I just think the re purposed, taken apart, cheap, brassy hat rack that you used in addition to the string, rubber bands and bungee cords may not be the best choice for the 7 pairs of skis and poles. I am also sorry that I went on and ordered a real rack. In my defense, as a new member of Pinterest if my 25 followers get wind of this POS I am ruined. RUINED!

POS DIY Ski Rack
Yes, that is a rubberband


Emoting publically...this is way better than couples therapy....

Welcome to my Blog. Each day unless I am toiling, baking, making candy, skiing, knee deep in kid activities, at the lake in my new paddle boat I scored at the dump or suffering from a hangover I will post a little glimpse of my life living with the Douglet. As this will be our 13th year of marriage it feels right to share the highs, lows and the hilarity that is our life. Also, the closest therapist is 60 miles away so this is way more cost effective.