Friday, March 30, 2012


bi·og·ra·phy/bīˈägrəfē/  Noun: An account of someone's life written by someone else. My working title for yours is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Loud.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Policy I allowed to post pictures of the Douglet on the floor during our very first home renovation project? He fell off the ladder (don't worry - it was a small ladder) and was writhing in pain on the floor. Is that a No-No?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Chicken Sauna

Thank you Douglet for being a huge help this week when the plague struck. I know you were just trying to help when you chucked the chicken carcass in the pot, filled it with water and cracked it up full torque and then went back to bed. I really enjoyed the moist, chicken sauna you created in the kitchen. 

xo j

p.s. The soup was really good.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

$300 truck

Yes, $300 gets you a badass truck
Oh there you go - pulling out of the driveway in our $300 pickup truck with both kids and the dog. You know the passenger side door does not close without brute force. So.... why, I ask you, do I see it flapping in the wind and oh look, there is the spindly arm of my 6-year-old trying to close the door while the truck is moving? WHY? This would be a perfect use for the pile of bungee cords/string/rubber bands that are now available for use - I think you know where to find them.

Monday, March 26, 2012

POS DIY Ski Rack

I am sorry I did not like the POS DIY "ski rack" that you installed in the garage yesterday. I just think the re purposed, taken apart, cheap, brassy hat rack that you used in addition to the string, rubber bands and bungee cords may not be the best choice for the 7 pairs of skis and poles. I am also sorry that I went on and ordered a real rack. In my defense, as a new member of Pinterest if my 25 followers get wind of this POS I am ruined. RUINED!

POS DIY Ski Rack
Yes, that is a rubberband


Emoting publically...this is way better than couples therapy....

Welcome to my Blog. Each day unless I am toiling, baking, making candy, skiing, knee deep in kid activities, at the lake in my new paddle boat I scored at the dump or suffering from a hangover I will post a little glimpse of my life living with the Douglet. As this will be our 13th year of marriage it feels right to share the highs, lows and the hilarity that is our life. Also, the closest therapist is 60 miles away so this is way more cost effective.